Joey almost died and was in a critical condition in the hospital wing after the Marik duel. And this is the first thing Kaiba says to Yugi before their duel. I like Kaiba, but he's an awful jerk!
So...anyone think Dark Yugi making Kaiba experience hallucinations of death over stealing a trading card was disproportionate and contributed to Kaiba going worse?
Is there any official or widely accepted lore behind Thousand Eyes Sacrifice? I've always thought he was super cool and wanted to know what his deal was.
why is Pyramid of Light so hated?
Anyone got tips for dealing with the giant shield Ogres?
Interview with Starbreeze CEO Mats Juhl
What specific changes would KF3 need to make to be the game you want it to be?
You guys need to start praising when payday does something good which has been a lot recently everything is getting better but people just like to complain this games gonna go nowhere with a bunch of people that complain when good things happen PAYDAY Creator Starbreeze Wants to Fire 23 More People in France
Obsession over my height is ruining my life. Advice needed
Dead by Daylight Quality of Life Initiative 2025: Phase 1
Jacket Potato
If you truly want payday 3 to succeed, stop pushing negativity
Questions Thread - January 25, 2025
Yes, it's the most requested feature on your feedback site, and you haven't talked about it in months. Great communication with your community, Starbreeze.
MarioInATopHat has left the Starbreeze partner program.
Where, Starbreeze?
What are people thoughts on the leaderboards now they've been out for a few weeks?
Where to start with playtesting?
What is everyones least favourite monster modifier?
Unkillable mob in crypt
These icons fit the UI better than what we have now
What we have so far on the secret
“The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes.”