PSA: Psychology with Dr. Ana is a Transphobic YouTube Channel
I think he wants something from me.
New Texas Bill Outright Criminalizes Being Trans As Felony Fraud
People who unsubscribed from their once favorite YouTuber, what made you hit "unsubscribe"?
ow did you know transitioning was the right choice for you?
For MtF : how does cultural misogyny affect you now that you're a woman?
(for mtf) how did growing breasts affect you sleeping on your front?
Why we are trans
Teachers will have to tell parents if students identify as transgender
Can I get the record of an old court order sealed?
I wake up to scratching at my door and open it to see this.
How do you come to terms with your family not accepting you?
More than 200,000 Canadians sign petition to revoke Musk’s citizenship | Elon Musk
Transgender Passport Update
Name change of minor in Oklahoma
On The Lemkin Institute’s social media tantrum, Trans Genocide, and Transmisogyny (AKA: Why the Lemkin Institute removed the 2025 trans genocide warning)
Son is FTM and we're scared about updating his documents
Anyone else feel like they’re constantly being watched? 👀
New passport rules affecting trans people got leaked
the day I started transitioning is the day my life began 💕
I really want a hairless scalp
Facial Hair removal with Photo epilator?
How to best remove nipple (aerola) hair ?
What’s a good epilator for facial hair?
Did I do the right thing?