Why’d they use this picture😭🙏
How it feels to say Mojo Jojo is the best song on the Album
Shit I’d be crying too if I saw everyone standing there like mannequins on their phones
worst carti fit ever
If u dont fw Opm Babi, Pop out, Swamp Izzo, or the drum rolls then ur brain not fully developed like ours
Number of Swamp Izzo Tags and Gunshots per song
New Bianca stories + 2 new pics
Bruuh 😭😭😭
Fav swamp izzo ad-lib in the album? this is mine
Why did Kendrick refer to us as the boogers?
What are the GD takes, that made you go...
Why does every feature on MUSIC say "with" besides BACKD00R 🥀💔
I know it's probably been said a million times but I'm on my first listen rn & I think Ty$ used to be in Backd00r
Which beat is better? Cocaine Nose vs Stop Breathing
who has the best music taste?
Houston man shot and killed over posters wtf
Those vocals on Cocaine Nose is some of the hardest shit i done heard..
Insane ranking
video he posted
How do you refer to the band?
Top 3 🌵 x 🧛🏿 track and it's not #3
Am I the only mf who actually kinda likes this song? 💀 I've seen so much hate for it
They formed alliance