Finally got a Leica!
Reading the post about B&H has got me thinking, Drop your local spots in the comments.
Does anybody have any idea what happened here?
Budget M/FD lens for scanning recommendations
How to analog street photography?
Was this photo just "overprocessed" when Alex Webb was printing it?
Anyone Else Had a Disappointing Experience Selling to
What fancy camera to buy?
Why do a lot of people seem to dislike Ektar 100?
What’s this on my scans?
This is why keeping negatives is important. Print from 1970 vs Frontier scan 2025
How much film do you keep in the freezer?
I think my parents got me a scamera.
How replicate Lars Tunbjörk flash-photography?
Worth buying?
Wtf happened here... my 4th roll of home developed 250D. I just can't, for the life of me, get rid of these smudges and why the hell is it so reddd and have so much gradients. Worst roll of film I've ever had the pleasure of developing 😭
Confused with Nikon FE lens options for aperture priority
Where to buy expired film?
How does ISO work?
Sony/FD lens for scanning recommendations
What expired/discontinued film stocks should I try?
Is this deal worth it?
New camera choices
Lower-belly pain, constipation