R/surveyor’s literal king
Jirard is planning on a big reboot video.
Why doesn’t David get off his ass and find a fucking job he’s such a fucking loser.
I think that these two joins kinda show that JnJ values certain characters that can actually add to the plot over others, which I find honestly way better than Nonexisty or just Liy joining
not even a minute in the video jeffy makes a unfunny "dick and shit" joke
If the vote was different.
Can someone explain why they think _ is a Good Traitor?
Survivor 48 - Mary’s deleted Instagram Story on unaired moments from ep3
Do y’all think people would be as mad if sai went home instead of Justin?
Anyone else really want to see more of these two together (even if they've barely interacted yet) IDK I feel like their contrast just blends well
I like her BFB 1 personality, but still, it will be kind of sad lol
Season 4 Episode 8 ending. I just can't get over it
It’s been one year since TPOT 10! How do you guys feel?
im still wondering how are these characthers friends
Gabby reveals shocking unaired ‘misogynistic’ moment from The Traitors reunion involving Dylan
Danielle admits she 'h*tes herself' for 'believing' in Britney on Traitors and 'should have know better'
NBC Insider Interview with Danielle
When asking most people, we decided the worst bfdi character was Pillow. But what is the character people think deserves more love?
Traitors season 3 but it’s a dnd alignment chart
That ending of the reunion wow
Dorinda cared more about fame
“Anything I don’t like is the patriarchy” - Gabby Windey
Look at this shit bruh
______ can dish it but can't take it
Never been so satisfied with an ending