How is the game these days? Mainly play PvE with friends on a dedicated server, or did back in the old days...
Guys I’m tired of spending hours configuring my development environment for projects
Thoughts on starting a startup? “I will not promote”
I don't know where to get started for my new dotnet project
Reforged Eden 2 help
Typescript Experience
Is it just me, or did you also realize after years of frontend work that styling libraries are a complete waste of time?
How many years does a desktop PC last?
What do you use for basic websites?
Would you pay money to play DND?
As a Vue.js developer, came to say WOW
VueJs dev hire
Job offer rescinded
Firaxis/2K, please think of us next
Why can't I do my job?
Did you love them?
What type of lawyer?
From Vue2 -> Vue3 -> Svelte4 -> Svelte5 -> BACK to Vue3
client says I'm charging too much, sends me this
The latest "offers" from Namecheap. Tell me again how ensh*ttification is a conspiracy theory.
Where/how to host?
My HV tripped on a bush and sent me 60k away from the planet
Ship design for Drone Space
Protip: Tired of Zirax Dropship Troops messing up your shit? Place your base in the middle of a lake. Dropships don't deploy troopers on water.
Sattari Privateer, mining/adventure CV