Feedback Welcomed - took a stab at “New Haven” style
Tvtoohigh due to unnecessary and unreasonable high book shelf
Was letzte fekal Pizza
Sperrminorität der AfD: Sitzverteilung in Sachsen könnte falsch berechnet worden sein
Fernbus zu früh abgefahren
[homemade] 15 Pound Lasagna
Mai Tai from Smuggler's Cove
Homemade Cubanos [10/10]
Thanks I hate 'mouth cooking'
[Homemade] Authentic MaPo Tofu
What are some fictional character fights you would love to see happen?
Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!
The last text you sent is what you scream when you're about to cum. What is it?
ITAP in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Glassblower Makes Intricate Horse Effortlessly.
This beautiful piece of art.
When AITA becomes r/roastme - Mom denies kids a weekend at Disneyland because of her shitty relationship with her ex
Father spinning gun on finger accidentally shoots self at daughter's birthday party
[Homemade] Brisket and Sausage
[Homemade] Hamburger with lettuce, taleggio, rosemary tomato mayonnaise and fennel salami on brioche bun
I think this counts
Trump urged his Mexican counterpart to stop saying that Mexico will not pay for a wall
[Homemade] Loaded Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes
What strange thing did you find out about someone else that they thought was perfectly normal?
Roll20 just cancelled my pro membership even after me paying for it?!