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Dumb question - how do you calculate your baby's age?
4 month sleep regression hell
For the love of god, help me make my baby poop!
Family Dinner's + Bedtime
Experience starting solids before 6 months?
Some boy moms are insufferable.
Four month old persistent cough
Love baby and motherhood, hate everything else
When did you introduce solids and how ?
How often are you cutting/filing baby’s nails?
Lack of sleep is making me look like an idiot - please tell me I'm not the only one!
Am I supposed to be doing something to help the sleep regression or is it just about survival?
I’m an absolute mess after baby’s vaccinations.
How are you optimising *your* sleep?
What did your husband wish he had when you gave birth?
(NSFW) Ladies, what’s our sex life looking like 4 months PP?
Who else is awake right now?
PP recovery question
What chore are you drowning in?
What’s your biggest “my brain stopped working” moment during pregnancy or postpartum?
I feel like I'm crazy when we take our baby to the doctor.
If you are not terrified of giving birth, why not?
Please tell me I will have more energy after birth
Do your parents/in-laws help when they're visiting?