Grape Nuts, chia seeds, dates, and plain Alpro yoghurt with a drizzle of vanilla syrup, eaten with my dirty coffee spoon
Darker skin tone, phalloplasty tattoo
My binder doesn’t work
[Insert insult] wait for profit??
Breath and under eye bags
"He has no idea what’s going on, he’s just happy to be included" 🐾 from
vegan coleslaw on a vegan cookie. beach picnic
Wow, the hotel bathroom matched my outfit!
POV: you’re a transmasc person with a certain type of account 🫠
Clown for the concert I went to!! It was my first time in public as a clown :o)
15+ years to present
Hi i am high on ambien and wanted to show you my happy lil nutsack
My Sim refused to tattoo somebody because the bench across the OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM WAS APPARENTLY IN THE WAY?!??? Yet other Sims can tattoo just fine - ez pz. I rage quit. I hate this game
TMI alert
3 months(5 days less) on srs(minimal depth)
mac and cheese with creasants and 3 tbps of butter that i poured over it
How often do you shower?
feeling quite dysphoric today, can an enby get some love pls?
Why is this specific kink/fetish so prevalent in the FTM kink scene?
is it normal?
Saw a ferret at petco
What do I name him?
Girls don’t like me because of my features
instagram creep
This combination was the very trick I needed!💋