What kind of a re... person decided to put Leopard I with stabilizer, 5-sec autoreload and 30mm coax cannon on 8.3? All of that just for 0.3?
What does Maho think? (Sorry, but I just LOVE your comments)
13 yo jobs
My GF broke up with me and fcked another dude, so, im back.
JESUS😭 Is Ami unpopular in this Fanbase?
Best Aircraft in War Thunder. BR: 7.3
What's most badass looking jet in the game in your opinion?
Stunning design but $52 is crazy
Which is the best?
Whose team are u on?
Damn, we are reaching the 200$ mark sooner as i expected.
Loved by fans but meh tank???
Powers out.
What is a good range for hours on a used unit?
Was ramming ever used or is it just a dumb video game tactic?
Are these tanks real? The only tank I know real is the Tortoise
Whats your favourite tank pic?
How in the world did the soviets make their heavy tanks so light?
Guess the tank
Tell me your favorite tank and I’ll rank it
would you dob in someone claiming single parent payment who lives with baby daddy?
(Suzuki) Will a RM/RMZ factory bolt kit work on a DRZ-400?
it's already there, why cant we play with it??