What's something that people consider a "luxury" but you think should be a basic right?
Is it weird I want to bite my boyfriend!?
Best wallpaper apps for iPhone ?
Which game is this for you?
What's a simple life skill that surprisingly many people struggle with?
How long does your nap from anesthesia really feel like when you are under?
POV: Someone assuming you speak the same language as them
What’s an anime you didn’t expect to like but ended up loving?
Try and guess people's anime quotes
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
Why does food always taste better when someone else makes it?
Attractive Redditors, what's the reason you're still single?
If ghosts exist, why don't we ever hear about them haunting graveyards instead of houses?
Fav Anime of all time?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
Why are women generally more into fashion than men?
What's the coolest letter in the alphabet?
would you rather?
How cooked is bro?
ELI5: How do airplanes stay in the sky even though they're so heavy?
What's an unspoken rule of life that everyone should follow?
What's a fictional world you would never want to live in?
What is an Anime that you could rewatch a 100 times without getting bored?
ELI5: Why we suffer fear of rejection before even trying?
Is it weird to ask for someone’s number if we’re not really friends?