Anyone else get told to “hold your pencil, the RIGHT way.” when you were in school? I’m trying to see something…….
Concentration meditation for dealing with sensory issues
"Polished and articulate" at work
Staying partially sane while WFH - sensory objects
I’m super empathic to the point of being upset deeply by world events or things that happen to people I don’t know. Anyone experienced this?
Help me figure out if I am ableist towards possibly autistic colleague
What bags do you use for work?
Anyone else eat the same breakfast/lunch/dinner every day?
Seeing faces as I try and fall asleep
No one talks about one of the worst parts of autism
“Everyone’s a little bit autistic/on the spectrum”
Is anybody else SUPER passionate about animal welfare?
They cut down my favorite tree
What help or support did you seek post diagnosis?
I finally received my diagnosis.
Today I get reevaluated
DAE hate the sounds influencers use on their posts? More below
What's the most autistic thing you've done lately? (Humorous/cliche)
I finally got diagnosed in my mid 30s!
Anybody here have alexisoma?
How many of us are vegetarian/vegan?
Bras are just the worst- on so many levels
I had plans with my friend, but the one of her friends (who I'm not sure likes me) decided to join. The day we were supposed to get together, I checked in, got a response, and when I asked what time we were getting together, I was left on read.
Accommodations at work