I unapologetically love Horace
the girls
Is it rude to order a sushi roll and ask to keep out the fish? I'm allergic to fish /shellfish
dude omg
How do I burn calories during school time?
How to decrease the time it takes for my ice cream to freeze? Any tips are welcomed!
Eating veggie pizza a lot
dae have to restrain themselves from chugging anything carbonated
can we pls get pb2 the full collection
cucumber noodles with ground beef
WHY do people always refer to salmon as a "high cal" food? This entire 50g packet of smoked salmon is just 80kcal.
anyone get anxious they ate and don’t remember?
Songs that aren’t about ED but in your mind they are?
What do you guys tell people who ask how you lost so much weight?
this year sucked so i got sushi to end it with something nice
i like to "browse"/window shop grocery stores but never buy anything
my current safe foods :3
can't exercise anymore
dae get a really drippy nose whenever they eat
What's the average bmi for your period to come back?
I miss my ED sm TW
Low Calorie Foods? (UK)
welp merry christmas eve
What’s one myth about eating disorders that frustrates you the most?
Finally tried Teddies and I'm in Love