Why is one couple you would bring back if you could
Final season Baby(💔)
Top 3 hear me outs on the show?
First clip from Season 8
Between two girls
Just some images for the final season from one of the most recent articles on Big Mouth
yea so even the lady responsible for the Polish dubbing of Missy doesn't know when 8 season will release
What is your favorite opening number?
The final season of 'Big Mouth' premieres May 23 on Netflix
The giver
Is Andrew Rannells actually à zionist?
Anyone else finds it kinda funny how people ask random questions in this sub?
why are all the 14 year olds getting pregnant?
[NSFW] Guys please protect yourself when you have s*x.
What’s the point of gender at this point?
who’s your favorite character?
In what lyric is it said that Whizzer cheats on Marvin
Matthew and Jay back together!
subtle foreshadowing.
I cant figure out if Im Lesbian or not. (F.13)
When the hyper fixation gets so bad you print the whole script with your school’s printer
Probably shouldn't have said that
I wanna be a theater kid so bad but I fear it might be late?
Few questions about eyebrow piercings