My art instagram!
How much should I price for my portraits?
How do I price my art? [Monday Megathread]
Any Lillia Streamers?
How do you honour your dead loved ones?
I lit a candle for my cat’s spirit and she interacted with it!
What does this mean?
Doing several candle spells at the same time?
More ways to cleanse my cards and re charge them?
What’s a good way to cleanse my space without any smoke?
Doing spells everyday?
Barn Cat has had enough of us
Testing the patience
I think spirits of animals are communicating with me through tarot
The doors open
I think my spirits guides are tricking me
How can I know who is communicating with me?
I think my pink carnation is dying :(
Not sure if this counts as pastel goth?
Pastel make up!