Me when Hoshoryu still has countless fans who love and support him despite so many people piling on the criticism right now
The BBEG - the "final boss match" reveal
Dear newbies, when it comes to a certain hairy rikishi
Disappointing Kyūjō
u/Nucleonimbus ask "Why is Yams so cute?" Here is a compilation ^^
Shishi getting ready for the tachi-ai!
Anyone else find Drowzee’s hands really off-putting?
Reminder: It's still only day 8. IMO People jumping to conclusions already deserve a spanking.
Why is Yams so cute?
Not to be dramatic but I would literally die for him.
Me when I scroll through r/sumo:
Yam's post-match face yearns to be memed
You get a bonus, you get a bonus, everybody gets a bonus
I bet it's burning a hole in his pocket already...
I know people find it weird but I think it's fun
How r/sumo is going rn
Important things were discussed on Day 7
I let my girlfriend pick my new tattoo. Hope y'all like it.
Sumo Brotherly Love 🇲🇳
Translation error (or is it)
The Yusho race is nuts, 21 guys in contention.
A daily interaction for labrador pet owners
This one was painful.
[SPOILER] Day 1 results
Bro has no time to be waiting around
Shishi's Awkward Invitation