What's something you wish women knew?
Just finished Younger and my main question is…
I don’t understand why I’m the only woman who seems to like it quick?
Have you ever seen your husband cry?
Getting a job requires ID
I’m scared to date interracially in Trump’s America
Should I be upset??
The BM Stereotype
My (25f) husband (26m) said hasn’t been eating me out because he “forgot” about it?
Do You Love Differently Now?
He doesn’t want to date me, nor does he want marriage in the future 22M and 20F what do you guys think?
Did anyone else realize this?
Liza didn't end up alone!
My Crush Died
Is men who believes in women rights the minority or majority of the US population?
Liza has no self respect
What are the expectations of women from dating that you think are unreasonable, unrealistic or too much?
Husband cheated on me
Since when was the Virgin Mary necessary for our salvation?
I did it again porn/masterbation
Women are highly regarded before God, and more powerful than many men know.
We used to have an economy where one spouse/partner could stay home, and I think people forgot how beneficial that was for society.
Honestly why does this reddit page despise Christianity so much and have to publish negative articles about Christianity so much to display a negative portrayal????
Men of reddit, have you ever walked away from a strong emotional connection with a woman because you were scared and do you regret it?