My take on a non-Ironwood kitchen!
Apoc Node 2 - E1S1 Tribbie + E2S1 Sunday
Divergent Universe keeps increasing Sunday's SPD during battle
Sorry if it's asked a lot but I just wanna know about my situation, E1 or castorice?
Pulling our girl on Saturday! Is her CR too low?
Best Argenti Team Assistance
Will you be pulling for Tribbe?
[1.6 Beta] Pulchra W-Engine Effect via Mero
Lots of talk about Duke Inferno getting merc’d offscreen lately. I just want to see a banner with this Remembrance character.
3.1v5 Countdown Added To HomDGCat
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Goldweave - General Question and Discussion Megathread
Why certain characters do and don't have the partner tag.
pulling tribbie in 3.1 be like
His daughters -by bonasiara-
"The true endgame of gacha gaming is to finish a dozen games and just play them 20 minutes a day." Is this true? And if it is, what are the games you've stuck with and play like that to this day?
suffering from success
Your most anticipated Gacha game of 2025?
[MONTHLY MEGATHREAD] General Discussion, Simple Questions, Recommendations, and Everything Else - December 2024
TGA Trailer: Astra and Evelyn Reveal
"Some audio lines are missing, and will be added in a future patch 🤥"
So, about the meta...
[Task] [$15] Tweaking existing open-source PHP/CSS theme to minor specifications.
[Task] (TUTORING) Looking for web developer to walk me through deploying my own instance of a booru-style imageboard (SFW). Offering $20/hr, for 2 hrs max.
Maruki did nothing wrong
Hey Neuvi mains, I have the premium team but not the Hydro Sovereign himself. In some ways, I'm kind of bothered that Neuvi will completely powercreep Ayato. Any thoughts? Does anyone have both?