Quels sont les endroits à Bordeaux ou à proximité de Bordeaux pour courir en forêt ou en campagne svp ?
What made you go from men who have fun to men who settle down?
what exactly does it mean when people say “your pussy tastes good”?
Does physical touch make you fall more in love with a woman?
Comment faire retomber la pression d'un premier rapport sexuel ?
How? How to relieve the pressure of having sex for the first time?
How to relieve the pressure of having sex for the first time?
Body hair question for mens
If she’s gorgeous, seems to have it all together, and still single. What’s your theory?
What behavior do you have at the end of a sexual act, when it's not your girlfriend/boyfriend? Do you cuddle? Do you sleep separately on each side?
What behavior do you have with a woman at the end of sex if she is not your girlfriend? Do you give him a hug? Does everyone sleep on their own? Do you sleep on a spoon?
Pensez vous qu'un homme sait à l'avance si la femme qu'il essaye de conquérir sera dans la case cou d'un soir ou potentielle relation ? Quels sont les signaux qui font choisir l'homme de continuer ou de juste s'arrêter sur un cou d'un soir ?
Does a man know in advance if the woman he is trying to win over will be in the one-night stand or potential relationship box?
Les hommes qui ont été de grand séducteurs mais qui se sont calmés, avec du recul, qu'est ce que vous recherchiez réellement à conquérir et coucher avec toutes ces femmes ?
The men who were great seducers but who calmed down, in hindsight, what were you really looking for to conquer and sleep with all these women?
Why did you lose a good woman?
Quelle est la blessure des hommes qui ont besoin d'avoir la femme trophée ? De collectionner les conquêtes ?
Do you think that a man who sleeps with you once or gives you lots of hugs and kisses (not sex) necessarily feels something for a woman or not?
Do you have any tips for improving the taste of love juice please?
What do you think about pubic hair during sexual practices?
Do you perform cunilingus on women who have pubic hair?
What was your experience like being with an extremely attractive woman when things didn’t go as expected in bed?
Pourquoi vous posez la question si vous ne croyez pas la réponse ?
Quels travails font elles pour avoir autaut de temps ?