Hey guys recomendations to upgrade my team thanks
Which cards should be upgraded?
The aura possessed by this blue lock inzaghi card design is still unmatched 🥵
Daily Q&A Megathread
Guys i need 2 to start and 2 to be subs thanks
Can anyone help to train this card i need to use him as AMF or SS thanks in advance
Hey guys i have about 3k coins what should i upgrade in the team ?
Guys which one would be good as AMF?
Hey guys i just got this card from 300coins, now i have 2k coins so which pos should i upgrade in my team next time ?
Guys i have 2000 coins now what should i upgrade in my team ?
Any striker recommendation ? All the good ones are just free packs xD , my budget now is up 400k
Best option at LB???
Hey guys plz couls you recommend Rw and GK
Guys i need recomendations for a good Lw budget 400K
Guys what is your recomendations to upgrade my team. Thanks
Hey guys any recommendations to upgrade my team.
Hey guy anyone can help to upgrademy team with this Budget ,,, thanks.
My CB is a weird choice what do you think. Div 2
Hey guys i need your help to improve my team since specially the defense and the Rw thanks
I believe no need to pay to win anyone can like reach high ranks using POTW or the free epics, reason is the game sometimes decide who wins even though if your team is full double booster. What do you think guys ??
Guys Endrick or Nuñez ?
Hey guys i need to share with you my record till now in the div, so its about 50points to reach div 1 actually if i get it it will be my first time as the highest div i got before it was div 2 what is your recomendation for my team as i hav now about 4K coins.
What is the best training for this Messi Card ?
Guys who should i pick ( David Villa, Darwin Nuñez or Endrick) ?