Missing Dog near Elizabeth and Taft
What should I play next?
Any tips on enjoying the combat more? Ive tried playing the game multiple times but the combat throws me off and I really want to play it. From what I've played the story is very intriguing and I love lighting as a character.
Got a L’cie tattoo today
College Student looking for a hair change
New Bob's Burgers Tattoo
Wildest rainbow in my life
Who would do such a thing?
First box luck?
Lately whenever I’m listening to a song that’s 10+ minutes I always say “This was Horny Dave’s favorite jam. Keep it cranked.”
What did I do wrong here...?
I'm sorry you're not sorry
What’s the FFVII version of this?
Tifa fan art (by me)
Biggest regret game purchases?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
In this scenario, choose one Box to play
Favorite Breakfast Place?
First large print cost me 7€ i feel dumb not to have hollowed it...
Anyone for Dungeons and Dragons (DnD)?
Newbie here: OPUS 11
my first failure on Saturn 2. why is this happening?
[GIVEAWAY] Horizon Forbidden West PS4 & PS5 Code (US)
Help - Saturn Print Failures