Which song are you listening to right now? Share it's lyrics
I finally beat my study procrastination
Saw this meme and it hits hard
This post is a dating show
Scared as he'll. Need motivation
Type "I'm a" and let auto correct finish
Have you ever cried without understanding the reason?
I didn't expect this to work lol.
I (20M) don't feel attracted towards anyone but want a partner
Good touch and bad touch.
[SERIOUS]Policemen calls the women in a derogatory language, when the women protests against this, she is taken to a room and beaten up, her child pleads but no one takes a pity on her (somewhere in Uttarpradesh)
Are we doing this?
Help your little bro with a quick college survey? (Takes only 2 min!)
This guy got Caught harassing Women, later he got thrashed by a Brave Lady in kanpur..
rate artist
Ladies and gentlemen: howz your new year's resolution going?
Thoughts on this book?
Studied for 147 hours this February. How do you keep yourself motivated everyday to study?
A walk on this!
Does he like it ?
Cat ji, giving pretty poses 🙂
What's the first thing that came to your mind when you saw my work?
Why indian parents and relatives trying to micromanage everything you do
"What’s the weirdest food combination you love, but others might find gross?"