Guys is the king the right thing to copy here? What do I do?
Are Anime Feats cannon?
1v1 10 Times - Results?
Tony loved this guy so much he killed his entire family. Now that’s loyalty.
Why didn't Walt let the Schwartzs pay for his treatment?
This is basically the game
Calm down... we can talk about this
Do you think Devine departure is Shanks' strongest attack? Or just one among his many different attacks?
Only the internet would hate a bad girlfriend more than a genocidal terrorist.
What's your honest take on marlon brando?
Best role Colin Farrell every played
Had a go at creating some vaguely video game themed Jokers
Earth vs One Piece
Say a "Sekiro 2" comes out, and like every action game franchise ever, Wolf loses most of his abilities and arsenal from the first game. How would you write the "lore" reason for this?
Never skipping Rare Joker tag ever again
Humans are objectively the strongest and most superior race in one piece
What’s the kindest video game fandom out there?
Rom doesn’t get enough hate
I will miss you a little
Favorite dunk video of all time?
gold stake feels like pain
Ulti>Katakuri fans , why?
How some of you mfs read this panel unironically
Team Roger vs Team Whitebeard