If the DoEd privatizes student loans and auctions them to private companies, can't we just buy our own loans at discount rates at the auction?
Does Eliminating the Department of Education Also Mean Eliminating Student Loan Obligations Where DOE is the Counterparty?
Yet Another Financial Reporting Mystery at Tesla... (1.4 billion disappeared)
Diaz was an EF4
Tesla (TSLA) accounting raises red flags as report shows $1.4 billion missing
CMV: Demanding impeachment of federal judges only after losing before them in court is childish and unserious behavior
Indivisible Joplin
Chief Justice Rebukes Calls for Judge’s Impeachment After Trump Remark
Omg I checked and it appears to be true
A note about storm chasing in Missouri
Another Day... Another Unhinged Rant From The President... Another Market Selloff
Cheapest "Green Stores"
Missouri Has Spoken on the Issue of Abortion
Any place that dont care about thc
Liquidity question. 25M
Is warren buffet the inverse stock market? Why is BRB just rising and rising when everything else falls?
Following my post from last week, the crash will continue for US stocks…
Day 6, Friday, March 16
US added to international watchlist for rapid decline in civic freedoms
What was the strongest tornado in your country? (or state if you're from the US)
New dog waste disposal signs went up in New York
Dr Joseph, dentist separately charged in fatal hit and run last year, now arrested for dealing fentanyl
What did Frank originally want to do as secretary of State?
It appears likely Trump will sign an executive order to shutter the Department of Education today...