Pink Elephant Luck
GRRR!!!! I miss screaming racial slurs at people when I was a teenager!!!! I haven’t matured at all since then 😡😡
Your First Arcade Fire Song
Does anyone else find The Dare extremely attractive in the Guess mv
In Honor of Laika
members of r/foals whats the first foals song you listend too
The pope is critically ill. Far-right Catholic trolls are out in force.
Is this considered "good" because it's delicious. Anyone else like this Spicy Chili Crisp by Laoganma?
I think in times where chatbots and AI are used so much, that message is important... Especially in times like this.
Drake shouts out Charli XCX on his new album
Those types of gamers found the game
I think we forgot that NOTHING HAPPENED in Tiananmen Square Bananaopolis in June 4th 1989
Brickell becomes human?
What song are you listing too rng
Me and the bois spawn camping some bloons
What would you have done in this situation? Poor guy got jumped by four shamans
Fuck you
New card wars coming out
Guild Counselor Caught Me Doing ERP Practice, Now I’m Stuck in Daily "Wellness Checks"
I cant go back to being a solo tank again
6v6 Playtest is live!
Gotta nip it in the bud before it starts
Drop your ganking tips in comments
What GTAV feature should not be added in GTAVI