Looking for an understable driver.
Malm Numbers out!! 10/4/0/2.5
Looking for a flat forehand fairway with a rounded bottom rim...
Downgrade from a Hex
Got a replacement (rip og hex) and some new molds.
Should I stop buying discs until I get more experienced?
Which disc do you think is comparable to a Wraith?
What weight should I go with for lat 64 river for good straight glide?
Recently discovered and became obsessed with DG but broke my ankle and can't play for a few months.
What disc do you have in your bag that you never see anyone else throwing?
Beginner disc recommendations?
Putting putters
What are you throwing?
To-Go Bag
Quitted CSGO & move to Valorant due to toxic and racism. Now quitting Val for the exact same reason.
Beginner progression
Ackchyually it's not a frisbee
Looking for an understable midrange or fairway for a minimal bag.
Looking for an understable Fairway or Midrange for a minimal bag.
I throw 300-330 ft. How useful is an overstable fairway driver when I can just power down with a distance driver?
Should I bag mid ranges?
Hvordan skaffer man seg hund i Norge?
All time favoritt artist?
Washing rubber discs?
Overstable mid of choice?