What is the pathophysiology behind nice patients having shit outcomes and asshole patients being indestructible?
Trauma surgery lifestyle
Who’s allowed in your physician’s lounge?
A Doctor yelled at me today… did i do something wrong?
Change from a j2 to j1
Switching out of Gen surg
Surgery pgy3 pgy4
Living 2-3 months of the year in Europe as an attending surgeon
Being in surgical residency now, would you still apply and do it again?
What happens if a item is retained?
What naming system does your hospital use for unknown patients?
Has anyone switched into general surgery from doing residency in another specialty?
So tired of people assuming I’m a social worker, therapist etc
If you had to go into another specialty that is NOT your own, which would you choose?
I feel like I'm being thrown into the deep end with surgical cases above my level at times
Seeking PGY3 Psychiatry position
How do y’all get over doubt and feeling inadequate during gen surg training
Surgical residents- post op order entry for uncovered cases?
I made a mistake.
Medicine needs to change
Any one think US Residency should be longer?
Any docs who game?
This seniority hierarchal bullcrap has to go
My intern is stubborn and I have become my mother