Steph’s commentary and defensiveness
Holes in Hotel Bedding
Anyone remember Mia?
TT Reactor with weird take and another question
now she can’t work..
Story line 🤣👏🏼🤣
Those kids deserve stability
Brush response
covering up the lies
Let’s get organized here.
Happy and Energetic
Amazon Wishlist
i’m so over this girl
Her new Insta story
looks like they found a new hotel
New info on Drew and his mistresses?
Comparing photos of their food table and it looks the same.
Which one is the most likely to happen next? 👀
Steph’s greatest hits.
🐈Milo & the cats MasterThread 🐈
The Jenkins Family got kicked out of the hotel. Recent TT.
Staph Whiplash
Stephanie, the Perpetual Victim