Got my DNA done to disprove the Native rumors 😝 also connected with my half-brother!
What would you change about RE4R?
Where to find specific adoptable pets?
Is this ganado about to bust or something?😭😭😭
How much of a chance do I have in recovering my childhood account?
I don’t see anyone talking about it , but how are they supposed to see ?
What DNA test is better, AncestryDNA or 23andme?
[ Raw Bones Image] Best way to preserve deer bones without maceration?
Does any of this have any meaning to it?
What is the possibility of a “Native American” claim in the family being a cover for Jewish ancestry?
Results are finally in, very surprised.
Thieves Guild Collection Complete
If The Thing is an cellular imitation, could it theoretically produce spawn with other organisms or imitations?
Origins hack now working on tests marked as analysed on Dec 20th
Just got banned for no reason from an RP server
Lost Ghostblade in Bloodchill Manor on Switch. Is it possible to get it back?
Resident Evil enemies
After playing through and beating every resident evil game I still have one lingering question
Did you know that El Gigante is just one of the rare children in the village who survived the parasite's injection and went undergoing rapid mutations and accelerated growth mutation ?
Tumblr roleplay?
Can You Guess What They Got Banned For?
Will a deer head + cape rot below 32 Fahrenheit in 1 1/2 days?
How to deal with roleplayers of certain characters being isolated in a group setting?
Best restaurants in the area?