What’s your favorite nationalism to have with your gizz?
I’m thinking about doing some flag-themed gator stickers. What countries would you want? Comments and upvotes will determine my first run!
Binding bleed on 58 reissue
Saturday fun day
Where my God is in the rhythm lovers.?
Damn DEI Guitars Ruining The Country!
These guys walk up to you and slap your ass and take your fender what do you do
Mesa Boogie Fillmore 50 Watt
Wolf eel in morro bay ca
How many guitars is enough guitars?
The average Trump Supporter - Jubilee clipped the video and good on them
What if King Gizz’s Hollywood Bowl gig came with a fan-made old-school linocut mini-poster? Your thoughts, Gizzheads?! 🌀
Store Opening Giveaway! 3 winners. Pick # between 1-5000
This post is critical of King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Went to go record, only to find this 😭😭
I first bought fo3 when I was 11 from a friend at school, my mom takes a look at Gob once and takes the disc and folds it in half
Songs you would want to see on Gizzard covers album?
My Mom made this for me 36+ years ago. She's gone, but I still wear it proudly every time I hit the water
*BIG* JHS News!
Is there any 60's bands/albums you don't like or you can't get into?
1962 Fender Champ Amplifier - is it true that less is more?
Descartes a Kant and their EBMM St Vincent sigs
Songs never played live
Help! My Sweetwater sales engineer wants to sell me a Dean Razorback Confederate guitars
Well that just happened…
Best Tube Amp, ready… go