I texted my Narc mom my boundaries. And her response has me feeling guilty. Please help. (TW)
What's the beef between Based and Block now?
“Never talk about Based again”
Josh attracts people trying to relive their glory days
When you realize they're (for lack of a better term) developmentally delayed, it starts making a whole lot more sense. They are *actually* children.
Being a trash can for my Ndad's emotions
Life of luxury
rudolph the reindeer rubs his nose until the skin peels off
Polishing that beak!
Breaking from local boston page. unsure the reliability
Quinn is looking extra fat today
Anyone else's Nparents actually stalk and befriend your new friends and partners?
Josh on the news
I want to help my bf who is likely raised by an Nmom
Josh recycling his alcohol with Tony supervising
Had some especially good luck today
Mr. Based get to Boston and wrangle your circus animal
Looking good as usual
My favorite character in the WorldOfTshirts universe
Narcissistic Parent, Vulnerable-Fragile
Great way to end the night
Arrested!! 🚨
Need ideas for thinning hair
Fuck that Clock app ⏰