Mahajansilks store on Instagram review
'Voluntary' AM and life afterwards
Husband asking for seperation
30 F , facing marital problems
Affordable lehnga under 40-45k offline
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Post your answers to the following simple questions in the comments and I’ll reply with your MBTI personality type and what it means for you.
Need help
Stopped talks due to issue in kundali
How to travel Varanasi from Ayodhya?
Places you go to when you need peace and quiet.
How much have you spent?
Thinking of exploring non-working educated girls
What’s your comfort show?
I opted for Jeevansathi premium , my (terrible) experience
What food Tastes best when hot but instantly tastes bad when cold!?
Does being successful mean losing in life?
If you could instantly know the answer to any one question, what question would you ask?
Went to srinagar and feel like visiting Europe is cheaper
My 24F girlfriend wants to be friends after the breakup 24M