A point in the astrological chart that can represent the darker, more primal aspects of the psyche.
Libras, wya?
What signs or placements indicate someone very prudish and hating anything kink. Also what signs indicate the opposite?
What's your Sun/Moon combination keywords ?🤔💭
What type of Scorpio are you?
Better match? Scorpio and Pisces or Scorpio and cancer?
Tell me something about myself - im just water and earth.
Which is your signature sign?
How Scorpio are you?
Say what you want about libras but
Who is a public figure that you think most embodies the negative traits of your sun sign?
Libra was voted the most Romantic zodiac sign, and Aquarius was voted least. Next: Which sign is the most awkward, and which is the least?
If you had to choose what element would you want to be?
Characters That Remind Me of Cancers
Comment your Venus sign and what you find to be beautiful in other people.
Your Mercury & Mars when angry
What's your sun and moon sign, and how often do you cry ?
Saw this and thought of us 🦂🦂♏️♏️
Who can relate and what’s your Mars sign?
Mars sign and song
Post your big 3 signs and I'll reply with a gif they reminds me of.
Does my moon sign matter or am I also my moon sign?
Your top 3 zodiac signs that can easily read mind 🧠
Which placements are responsible for your interest in astrology?