Rectal pain after big poop.
I can't understand pelvic floor mechanism. Stabbing pain when poop - they say it is not a fissure.
Stabbing pain while pooping - common in PFD?
Pooping issues due to tight pelvic floor?
How do I know if I have pelvic floor issues or tight anus?
Moraxella catarrhalis - antibiotics or not?
Please help my Dad. Need any advice.
Heart problems. Tough situation. Please help my Dad :(
Pelvic floor therapy
Using a pelvic wand with hypertonic pelvic floor/sphincter, fissures advice
Can you miss anal fissure in Anoscopy ?
Stabbing pain when pooping
Flax seed question.
PG - Propylene Glycol smells like... glue? A little bit chemical odor.
Does seeds irritate your anus? I feel sharp pain sometimes when I ate seeds.