Top 3 fav osts?
My Trilogy Compendium arrived!
Is the fight against Queen Pthumeria good?
Unpopular opinion, I think framerate is not as big of an issue as people think.
I love Bloodborne, but it DOES have it's problems
Is it possible to get the Bull-Goat Armor Set if i killed Rykard?
On your first play through, what was a boss you beat quite easily despite being considered quite challenging by the community?
Share your weapon and reasons why you use it
This is a 3M super so it does 3.45M on super class units.
The perfect stats don’t exist…wait…
What is a boss that kept you like this? For me was KoP
Is Laxasia as hard as I think?
Free weekend then
Dark Souls Trilogy Compendium
Can he still do it? TEQ Ultimate Gohan Vs Red Zone CMZ
LR Super Saiyan Goku drawing
Dokkan heard your complaints!
Considering how much akatsuki loves making goku blacks support this might actually be our chance for a villain bulma
"The hardest event in the game"
Did this for Legends, so now for Dokkan. Tell me you love your favorite unit without saying the units name
JP DDL + LR Agl Tien EZA
New f2p trunks obtainable from quest mode
Do you think the LR INT SSJ4 Goku will be worth getting by the time he arrives on Global?
Here's me beating the 8th anni Omega Shenron event with 4 consecutive turns of ghost ushers thanks to the new DFE Super Trunks. He is pretty good.
Scrumdiddlyumptious Hot (but correct) Takes!