This is a Best and Worst adaptations of Spider-Man villains. You can choose from video games, movies, tv shows, the only thing you can’t choose from is comics. The first one up is Green Goblin
You're the new writer for Spider-Man, the editorial has gone through a major change and the new editor told you to "kill Paul", how would you kill him?
Who would you cast Charlie Day as in the MCU?
Do you think The Punisher would fit in Sakamoto Days?
Who would you cast as Bill Finger and Bob Kane in a biopic?
Arkham asylum killer croc is the best adaptation while Suicide squad’s version is the worst, next is black mask
How does everyone feel about Bill Potts?
Which anime villains do you think could be great Spider-Man villains? It don't need to be anyone from this image
Who would you cast William H Macy as in the MCU?
I wanna ask something but which live action depiction of Carmine falcone over here do you think was solid? Batman begins or The batman?
Top 20 Batman Films/Series: Day 12
2018 was just the year of the Kingpin
who would u ship batman with in marvel?
BTAS ivy takes the best spot while B&R ivy takes the worst spot, next up is hush
What is Christopher Nolan's "best movie antagonist"?
Do you think Kitty Pryde could phase trough Sue's force field?
Other than Fisk and Bullseye, Who’s your favorite DD villain?
(10 year anniversary time) How do you feel about Spectre nowadays after 10 years?
At what momment did Batman become DC cash cow?
Im gonna say this but if you were to improve on the Jokers 2 writing how would you do it? Like you still have to keep it a musical
Is he taking the win or Nah?
Who would you cast Sofia Boutella as in the MCU?
Best Joker laugh in film/tv series from an actor not playing the Joker?
What is Christopher Nolan's "best movie beginning"?
Nicholas Gailtizine as James Bond 007