Does Nigeria actually have AMX-30s and why?
[Art] ASU-152 concept, what do you think?
Portuguese Leopard 2A6 and Swedish Stridsvagn 122, equipped with ERA "Contact-1" in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine
can a DU armored Abrams survive a direct frontal hit of a 203 mm howitzer shell?
What's the practical benefit of using Tungsten for canister rounds?
why no semi armor piercing atgm?
🇵🇱 2S1
Remote Controlled wheeled Target Tank mock up resembling an M1 Abrams made in China
Okay, Let's Settle This Once and for All (Cuz I Can't Decide Which One I Prefer the Look of)
Japanese Type 10 MBT modular side turret spaced armor which can also be used to store crew equipment and tools.
Stryker Was A Failure Or Just The M1128 Failed?
Is it time for the US to develop a new Tank?
Air Vehicles in GRB should be limited because this is getting ridiculous!
Abrams based SPAAG concept
Yugoslav soldiers on an American-made M5 Stuart tank on the street of the village of Šibenik (present-day Croatia).1944
What's your thought on Italy's choice to replace the Ariete MBT with the KF-51? Was it a "rushed" decision or will it actually turn out to be a good plan?
“They said it’d be two unique sets man!” They also said they’d release a live dvd from the Lateralus tour. They also said they’d release 10,000 Days on vinyl…
Why does the USA not have any modern SPAAG vehicle in service today?
How would countries react when some of these tanks were left behind along with ammunition in Afghanistan and under the hands of the Taliban?
M1150 with a dummy gun disguised as an Abrams tank
Battlefield What would happen if Jordan and Egypt got a hold on these guys?
(Meme) Despite the absolute beauty of the show, I just couldn't shake this thought the first I saw Svanrand live...
A bunch of French Armored Vehicles with an AMX name
Some of the tanks at the American Heritage Museum in Hudson MA
Taiwan's early 105mm IFV prototype, as a proof of concept (very different from the new 105mm IFV in recent years).