Who and when will “flair” me with my first envelope?
[Thank You] To all who sent me mail today, 3/18! 😆 ALSO: I need info from U all so I can write back..! Thankss
[Offer] Spring Farmhouse Greeting Cards – Let’s Celebrate Spring! 🌷🌿[US]
[Offer] Spring Postcards [US to US]
[Offer] Let's spring into spring! [US/WW]
[offer] Kawaii sticker collage postcards [US to US]
[Thank You]!
[thank you] Mid Month Mailbox Check
[Offer] Mailing List 2025 💫 [US to US]
[Offer] Handmade Cards from Bonsai Book [AUS/WW]
[Offer] Disney postcards- let's try this again 🙂 [worldwide]
Hello Kitty ribbon.. 🎗💝
[Offer] Snarky Disappointing Affirmations [WW]
[Offer] Easter Cards [USA]
[Offer] Tarot card pull w/explainer [USA/WW]
[Offer] ferseriousdude's 2025 mailing list of randomness [canada to ww]
[Thank You] u/somedrawer u/FollowingTheBeat u/inkyfingerspgs and u/joviny0
[Thank you] ❤️
[offer] Spiritual AF [US]
[Offer] [US to WW] Arizona & 1 Colorado Postcards!
[offer] handmade custom Pet Parents Day cards [US to US]
[OFFER]: 2 Envelopes full of stickers [ww]
We told him not to climb the screen a million times! But he just doesn’t wanna listen..!
[Thank You] u/FLAluv86 for the mail! 🥰