This is the hardest cod ive ever played..
How did I not die?
It might be dumb, but this is one of my favorite posters ever. It is Jimmy walking uphill, barely unable to keep his balance before he "slips", and also literally exemplifies the theme of the show - trying to keep it straight in a crooked world.
Racial Conflict at the Bigfoot Festival
What country are you from?
Did Kim Wexler ruin Howard's life just to get off?
Man who was lost at sea for 438 days is being sued for $1,000,000 by family of his crewmate
How are people figuring out dating while living with parents???
[MW2] Just played MW2 for the first time after the MW3 beta...
Floating Santa in the mall
In case anyone here's interested🐀🍆
To Deliver Food
[CoD] What are your Top 3 least favorite Call of Duty games and why?
What is the most useless thing you still have memorized?
How is the Daryl show? No spoilers please
What is s genuinely terrifying fact?
I guess I’m not the only one after all with 60 days to spend fake Reddit currency 😂
Danny videos on Rumble?
Since the world health organization has officially declared that covid-19 is no longer a global health emergency it got me thinking of all the cringy things i witnessed over the last two years or so...
Having horses in an urban area needs to be stopped. If anyone tells me the horses like it or it’s only a minority please go f**k yourself.
How do you pronounce “cishet?”
You have the option to press a button every Monday morning before work, if you press it you get all 40 hours of pay for the week with it still being Monday morning, but 2 random people in your town die. Would you rather…
Bought a Scuf Instinct Pro after broke my third Elite Series 2 Controllee
if you could, would you re-live any year of your life over again, knowing everything you do now? Which year would you re-live, and why?