Can anyone else NOT wear silk or have to ONLY wear certain kinds of fabrics all the time?
Had my assessment a week ago, I think I messed up.
DAE struggle to believe they can be loved unconditionally?
Questioning bipolar diagnosis after receiving my AuDHD diagnosis
What does emotional processing look like to you?
What helps reduce Sensory overload
Feeling like an Alien?
Has anyone managed to wear contact lenses despite sensory issues?
I’m a fucking amazing friend
I'm trying not to melt down over losing my new name tag magnet.
Need help tapping into social pattern recognition.
Need advice please
Never going to fit in?
Eye Contact
Why won’t you be my friend?
How do y’all cope with sadness that comes with chronic illness?
Autistic travel show
Task switching and sitting in my car
How common is (selective) mutism in women? Does the majority experience it or not?
Any useful metaphors/comparisons for simulating ABA for allistic people? (CW: critical of ABA--if you strongly support ABA please don't engage)
Stuck between wanting to start a podcast but in my non verbal phase
I'm not sure if I have special interests
Never know how much to talk when getting a haircut
Eye glancing.
I think I dissociated while driving.