Legoshi Parenting [TerraCottaPone]
Haru slander shall NOT be tolerated (Speaking as a Lougoshi fan)
Anyone else wish there was more Haru in seasons 2&3?
Show recs?
What genetic troubles could haru and legoshi child might have
Old Paru art - Legoshi is on his back looking for comfort.
Which species in the Beastars universe do you think is literally born to be a model?
Thoughts On Azuki?
Did Louis get off easy??? Like all the stuff he did and your telling me no cop intervention.
Which character is this in Beastars?
Legoshi Sketch 💪
Final season Jewelry Sale
What lion did melon kill?
How do we feel about Deshico design for Beastars final season part 1???
Recently became obsessed with this show, as well as I did with other shows. Now, as a good show obsessed, I make fanfics and head canons in my head. And I've been thinking…
Legoshi Is My Ultimate Dream Guy – Who Else Feels the Same?
Haru fans in a nutshell.
Ongoing fic recommendations
5 reasons why.. I HATEEEE HARUUU
Any good ongoing fics?
i love this community but yall mad freaky
What the fuck is bitch rabbits problem
Louis "using" Legoshi to "free me of my curse" never felt right with me.
A juicy Melon headcanon/theory
Am I the only one who thinks that melon's mother is a thousand times scarier than her son? I mean, knowing what she's done and knowing that she doesn't see the harm in it makes her absolutely despicable compared to her son; who is perfectly aware that he's an asshole.