of a pregnant cow
Explain breastfeeding a newborn to me like I’m 5. I’m overwhelmed.
Names like Amara
What actually counts as the North Shore?
Help with redness and skin imperfections - breastfeeding safe
My little land shark. Do they ever stop biting :o
Anyone NOT hate their pets after having a baby?
What are your favorite diapers and why? What are some brands you would absolutely NOT recommend?
Unique, feminine K names
Positive Vaccine Stories
Food aversion is making me sad
Remember last week when the report came out of the Pats could be willing to offer Stanley close to $100 million over 4 years and he went back to Baltimore— yeah same stuff gonna happen here lol
Is she a German Shepherd or a Malinois?
Are you a Summer Fridays or Laneige person?
Flying from New York to Alaska at 30 weeks pregnant and high risk
5 week old sleeping for 8+ hours straight at night, is that normal?
Correlation between an active foetus vs active child?
Question for moms that delivered a baby 8 lbs and above?
does anyone have any makeup brands suggestions for darker complexions?
What are your Must-Have TJ beauty or non-perishable products?
FTM: husband doesn't want to be in c-section room
How reliant will I be on husband after c section?
Jaws unfairly demonised a generation against Sharks, can you think of any other films that have done anything similar.
Saie foundation
My wife's ideas for our firstborn