Tarpless run for my fellow fat-htletes
Client Progress from 233lbs to 198lbs
Client Progress
Food Addiction Recovery to Trying to Get Shredded 8-week Program
Alright, time to destroy QoP
My thoughts on how to bust Sniper mid
Hero picks in All-Pick are more about being lucky than picking counters
People are over reacting about the Immortal draft changes
[HIRE ME] Binge Eating, Emotional Eating Recovery Fitness Coach
Why isn't adaptive strike skilled?
I was wrong about immortal draft
Any hero that can close the game fast?
We must stop this...
Dark seer can dispel wind waker with Vaccuum pull
Offlane feels unplayable if the pos 4 doesn't block the small camp?
Dazzle Ruins the Entire Patch
people who quit drinking coffee, what benefits did you see?
Are you better off playing 4 + 5 if new?
Honest question: Do you enjoy the game right now?
Why most Filipinos still believe that "Vetsin" during inuman sessions induces sleep? May scientific basis ba to?
32 Unpicked heroes in PGL wallachia seasons 3 (over 113 games)
Gusto maging physically healthy at pumunta ng gym pero sobrang mahiyain