Milchick was the MVP of this season! Needs all the awards
Pork chop pizza
Which horror movie left you sleepless? It That clown... no thanks.
Leo and Jordan have the best on-screen chemistry
My expression whenever Mandy comes screaming into a scene.
Are there inconsistencies on Bartlet’s veto record?
Danielle Smith furious with Doug Ford, Team Canada set to meet
Small update for anyone Wondering about the 3 Body TV show.
Doug Ford ‘disappointed’ Tories failed to meet his electoral expectations, sources say
Young-Brunette Madonna or Titanic-Rose Kate Winslett?
PC majority declared by CTV
Mamá and papá Restaurant, did this episode disgust you a bit? Being a fan of noodles, I actually had a hard time watching it. Tell me what do you think about this atrocity? Did it disgust you too?
My First Time Watching The Show.
The mini series you’ve been waiting for :)
What character will visit…
Pretend you are the White House head of Human Resources and you've just been asked to review the Bartlet terms for the worst HR breach in all 8 years. What is it?
Civil Servant Peter, Help!
One character I wish we got more time with
Possible spin offs
In honor of currentish events and one of the best side stories, I think it's time to start referring to the Canadian-US border as 'The Front'
Goldfish crackers…
Does anybody *actually* use this feature?
The Hunger Games: Theoretical antinatalism crack for the characters of the story