My Overseas Relatives say $9M is nothing special in America, is that even real?
Doubters. Fiddy. Look at this man, infront of 62,000 people. Going from not knowing anything about football, to now being a goalie in the largest possible football stage that a content creator can reach. Win or Lose, this is progress. xqcL.
Jerry Training Arc?
Zack doesn't think he won but he knows he didn't lose (he considers it a draw ?)
y'all acting like jays gonna get fodderized (he does) but he'll put up a better fight than 3a jake and samuel
Man Jinchang Must Have Been a Complete Beast in His Prime to have Been above both Taesoo and Gongseop
Forget the past, Taesoo now vs the Snake. your bets ? gonna go with Taesoo
who is Ur favourite 1st gen king
Sinu is very weak durability wise
if Zack fought Kwak Jihan instead, how easy will it be for him to defeat him?
Who wins
Hajun Vs Lookism (How far he going?)
What u guys think?...................Vin negs
Who’s the strongest in jhigh trio
Kwak Jichang vs Sinu Han
The most underrated fight in the series.
Gun is contemplative...
Eugene after seeing daniel toying with yoosung and hitting peak face :
thought of a random ass matchup
another matchup
Can’t wait to see comments on this one.
The Wiki Writers ship Gun x Goo