Why are my replit colors yellow and orange?
Advice for physics c, lang, csa, gov, and stats? (please)
What's the best website to learn python?
What is the best website to learn python?
me scrolling through this sub and realizing that one day it will be me applying to colleges
How to prepare for Stats, Lang, CSA, US Gov, and Physics C Mech and E&M?
Passage or questions first?
Any good AP Stories? (I.e funny things that happened during ur tests)
Tell me your major/interests and I’ll tell you a cool Extracurricular to do!
What new AP class would you most like to see?
1st year went well I’d say (All self study)
If I take the SAT more than once, will colleges see all of my attempts?
How should I prepare for Physics C?
what books should i read to prep for ap lang?
what exam score was the most shocking to you and why?
ap exam rescore success stories?
when will 2022 ap language speaking/writing samples be released?
Did anyone self study for an exam? If so, comment below what exam and score you received!
ap spanish lang score drop
i know it’s not a big deal but i spent $1K on tutoring, had mental breakdowns, pulled myself to an A, and spent 8+ hours a week on hw and lessons. plus, this was one of my most confident aps and i thought i nailed every section.
ap spanish language scores
Let’s play a game: Tell us what AP Exam you took without giving the name of the class!
What AP exams did you take this year and what scores are you predicting?
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