Where to get a Monstera Albo?
To repot or not?
Marble Queen LOVE
What kind?
Should I be worried?
My favorite Albo!
NOOB - what’s next ?
Help... Is this fungus infection?
MMW: Everything in 47's Term predictions will happen.
Should I be concerned?
How/when would you repot this?
Finished micro crochet orchid, ~60 hours
Did I just get lucky? 👀
What kind of pothos is this
First Monstera
Should I Separate my Monstera Plants?
To chop or not to chop…
First Monstera question
Should I trim?
What Brands to prefer ?... Henckels / Cangshan / ZWILLING
Which ones are you getting rid of and why?
Help ID my pothos please
What next?
Aerial Roots