What’s a video game song that immediately makes you emotional when you hear it?
uNsUsPeCtInG cOuPlE mAulEd bY hOrDe AfTeR ReTuRnInG hOmE fRoM vAcAtIoN
What’s the best single-location film that keeps you hooked?
angler fish spotted swimming vertically to the surface on the coast of Tenerife 😱
Hasan refused to endorse Harris. He is part of the reason trump got elected.
Name this Game
What have yall been playing ?
E. Honda Edition
[PC][Pre-2016] What Game is in this image, I have no memory.
Any other black boxers out there?
Silent Hill 2 Remake Fans Finally Uncover The Secret Behind Mysterious Photo Collection
Which puzzle broke you in the remake?
Since everyone is posting these low numbers where the 25+ hour gang!
[REPOST] Judge me based on my games, don't hold back
We're all fucked, especially the 3DS guy
[MEGATHREAD] Ask for playtest invites here
Need recommendations based on this
Imagine these dad vibes in the White House.
What is this?
What working from home means. Gotta put her to work, that dog food isn't getting any cheaper😂
The Antagonist from the last game you played has fallen madly in love with you and will probably kidnap you. How screwed are you?