Mudpad ?
I need a mousepad recommendation
The Statue of Liberty is Destroyed (The Man in the High Castle)
This was unironically one of our QP games yesterday with me and my friends.
I'm a basic ass Haze ult bot. How should I adjust this build after the Haze ult change?
Who should my backup characters be?
I'm scared to take 1v1 fights, I need to train my confidence, which character is advantageous when taking 1v1 fights?
Deadlock putting me (Arcanist) in an Archon match just to make me suffer, I guess
Please nerf calico
This is one I keep going back to; the art direction, sound design, combat flow and mechanics, story, and characters are all just top notch.
What game do you enjoy regardless of how much hate it gets online?
Do you think that the Seven are an accurate depiction of how superheroes would be irl?
Deadlock update for 3/16/25 (3/17/25 UTC)
Is it matchmaking or is it me?
how to find best builds in the shop?
I don't get it
Matchmaking is getting worse?
Player population isn't the problem, it's how team matched/scrambled together.
What aim games are yall playing rn?
Tips on getting out of Initiator?
How's the game running now compared to when it first launched?
Soul confirms still need work.
Why’s everyone using alchemical fire all of a sudden?
Asia server in a nutshell
Is wraith just the WORST early game character?