what does my top 9 waifu say about me?
Does a negative range riven affect glaive throw distance or explosion radius?
New Player, Whats the easiest prime warframes to unlock?
Best kitgun?
Does he red lines mean the mod is in the right place?
Good primaries to take down acolytes?
Anyone know how much this would go for?
To get the blast 300% explosion effect do I have to kill an enemy that has a blast proc, or kill an enemy with a bullet that would've procked blast ?
How to know wich weapon to upgrade with orokin catalyst?
how do people go about getting all the prime weapons?
apologies if this is a known bug, but i encountered this bug with an ally wisp reaching insane amounts of motes buff 30million hp 51k heals and 34000 percent firerate lmao
Torid Incarnon Build Question
Despite its “nerf” intrepid stand still seems good.
With Galvanized Aptitude, does the damage per status effect count for stacks of the SAME status effect?
How do I do this?
Good frame for bosses? (Single target damage). I have Saryn and Wisp built for mobbing but want another frame solely for bossing.
Faction mods needs a rewamp
Damage with weapons
Super Rhino Nuke Build for Steel Path with Arcane Truculence Warframe 2025 [289% Ability Strength]. i lowered my armor in this build, but you can increase it with one archon shard replace for the hardest mode of the game.
I made a mistake
I can't choose a warframe other than Nekros because of FOMO
We need to discuss Radiation damage and its status effects. It is arguably the worst damagetype now.
Secondary weapon with built in condition overload?
What MR would you consider a newbie?